Save On Energy Costs

During peak winter and summer months, your energy bill could be one of your most expensive. That’s why WorkMoney wants to connect you to national programs that can lower your monthly bills. You could qualify for both for extra savings! And if you’re already participating in programs like SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, and the National School Lunch Program, you’re likely eligible.


Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

This can provide short-term assistance with your heating and cooling costs, especially if you’ve received a shut-off notice or need electricity to power essential medical equipment. If you qualify, you could receive emergency funds to help cover past-due amounts and a credit on future bills. The program is first-come, first-serve and often isn't able to serve everyone interested, so don't wait to apply!


Am I eligible?

While each state has its own application and specific eligibility requirements, here are the estimated national annual income guidelines of those who qualify. Note income eligibility may be higher in your state.



Program:  Individual income:       Family-of-four income:  
LIHEAP $21,870 $45,000

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